Thursday, January 29, 2009

The famed 150 page update

Black Hawk Super Six One just got shot down. As soon as the bird hit the deck hundreds of heavily armed Somalian militiamen started off towards the crash site. Upon impact both the pilot, Cliff Elvis Wolcott, and co-pilot, Donavon Briley, were killed instantly. Soon, the aircraft settled, one the Delta operatives crawled out to defend the crash site. While the survivors were busy defending themselves half of DiTamosso's chalk moved to the helicopter on foot. Eventually a Little Bird helicopter landed next to the crash and evacuated some of the wounded. The rest of the assault force gets on Humvees to head to the crash. Thus begins the story of the lost convoy.

As soon as the soldiers finish loading the convoy with prisoners the Black Hawk gets hit. The convoy, led by Lt. Col. Danny McNight, starts moving to the crash site. There is a problem though, the convoy is taking extremely heavy enemy fire and there is a delay in the directions from the Orion spy plane to JOC (Joint Operations Command) to Lt. Harrel who is telling McKnight where to go. So, due to this problem the convoy gets lost. In a mission that was supposed to take 30 minutes, they are now almost two hours in.

During the convoys attempt to reach the crash, over half of the troops are wounded and several killed. Then, the mission takes another turn for the worse. Black Hawk helicopter Super Six Four, piloted by Michael Durant is hit with a RPG and goes down.


  1. Hans, if you are the genius of our time, then we are all doomed

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh my goodness. This is intense. I don't know what to do with myself after this...can't wait for the next update :)

  4. I will take you down hello kitty

  5. Hello kitty, how are you? hows your book coming, any new plot twists?

  6. I think we all should destroy hans, he's a menace to society.

  7. Oh tje lies!! i will get you scott! how dare you produce such an inaccurite movie, it wasnt even that long ago! get it right.

  8. Yes i agree, Hans must be terminated for the good of humanity

  9. Hey, TomCat, aren't you supposed to be floating face down in the Jefferson right now?

  10. Good idea hannelore, lets name the river that runs right by our town. Now all the stupud stalkers will know where we live and go to school

  11. i see that southwern sympathizer streak is finally winning out. now we live in mississippi

  12. I'm trying to keep this place at a professional level, but look who I'm sitting next to.

  13. Hans, quit lying to yourself. it will cause emmotional trauma later in your life.

  14. I'm already emotionally scared anyway.

  15. oh ok. say what you want then

  16. OK not really. i was just being nice to the hans

  17. Is your name really Hans? how interesting

  18. My book does seem crazy but its realy good, and your book sounds boring.

  19. I beg to differ from your statement, Book of a Thousand Days.

  20. Hans there are three men trying to seduce you right now

  21. The least you could do is back me up.

  22. Hans i know your exited right now (more ways than one) but dont attack your friends

  23. I'm just saying. If I get into a fight, you need to back me up.
